
Together with Tamer Alalloush who was stranded at Lesbos on his journey to the Netherlands, I will be making a pure, raw documentary of what is going on in the refugee camps in Lesbos from a different perspective and life in the Netherlands as a former refugee. Aside from the hardships refugees go through from a first person perspective, I also want to show that they’re human beings like everyone else, which is portrayed differently in most media. By immersing the viewer into the life of the refugee, I want to remove any fears or prejudice they may have regarding refugees.

 After Lesvos, we will display the new life of a former Refugee who was given the chance to rebuild his existence in the Netherlands. It hurts me to see people being set up against each other for political ends, and would love to have a more inclusive society without xenophobia, and part of what makes my life meaningful is to use my capacities as filmmaker with a neuropsychological background to inspire people and lift prejudice. Another aspect of the ‘refugee crisis’ is the fact that during WW II, tens of thousands of Europeans have been welcomed in Arabic countries such as Syria. The documentary should convey the message that the refugees are not taking, but giving to our society. 

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360 picture of the ‘Graveyard of Lifejackets’, giving a visual idea of the extent of the refugee crisis. The Turkish coast from where all dingies intended for use by 15 people but crammed by 60-70 are coming from. They all paid 800-1200 euro except for the captain who is a refugee who can’t afford the nightly ride and gets a two hour training to gain responsibility to make the boat cross the pond. 12.000 did not survive this.



The production of film is costly: I already made over 3000,- in costs before arriving in Lesvos. In order to make this movie impactful and invest the time and attention it needs, I need your help. Of course, as a proper crowdfunding, you will get a token of appreciation for your donation:


Returning the favor

Apart from the sheer gratitude I have for your donation, I would also like to give something back as a token of appreciation for your donation, which is specified next to the donation amount. Anything from 10 will be rewarded, and you’ll secure a seat at the premiere for 80 or more euro, including the rewards of lower amounts. If the movie will be profitable, which is a significant possibilty if licensed at educational institutions, art cinemas and television like earlier projects, all excess funds will go to funds supporting refugee / climate action. The impact of your euro will be amplified in this case versus a regular donation : It will be the seed of societal, thought provoking impact of the movie. It will be distributed in schools and universities and your euro will end up in funds going towards NGO’s helping refugees. In the form below you can see what goodies will be awaiting you for your donation!

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